Facility India News
Tips on Increasing Grocery Store Sales :


Because of the low margins on many grocery items, store owners need to generate a high volume of sales to make a sufficient profit. Getting customers into the store is one element of increasing sales, while triggering impulse sales is another. Use a variety of community-wide and in-store promotions to boost grocery store sales and profits.

Advertising and Promotion

The first step to increasing grocery stores sales is getting consumers to come in. Major chains use regular, weekly advertising newspaper inserts that showcase specials. If you can't afford a multi-page insert each week, use display ads placed in sections of a newspaper that cater to your customer, such as the cooking section. Ask your suppliers about co-op programs they offer.

Many manufacturers will reimburse you for a portion of any advertisements you run that contain their names and logos. Print coupons on high-sale items to get the biggest return on your investment. Consider donating fruit and sports drinks to local sporting events to position your grocery as a place weekend warriors can stop before a tennis match, softball game or bike ride.

In-Store Coupons

Place coupons on shelving in the aisles of your store to get consumers to notice particular foods they might not have come to buy. Put coupon sheets with multiple coupons at the front of the store near shopping carts to encourage customers to look for certain items. If you have a store loyalty program, allow customers to load electronic coupons directly to their card or app. Another option is to offer printable coupons online.

Change Item Locations

Each month or quarter, change the location of popular items so shoppers who are motivated to buy them will have to look for them. This is to make them pass by and notice other products, stimulating impulse buys.


  • Be sure to change signage accordingly so that customers can navigate your store and get to the items they want to by. Change is good, but you don't want to create frustration for customers, either.

Tier Items Near Eye Level

Place items that appeal to children on the bottom two or three rows of your shelves so they are at or near eye level to young children. This will generate requests to buy items parents often can't resist. Place impulse items such as gum or candy at eye level near the checkout counter to catch the attention of adults.

Use Larger Carts

A cart with space in it sends a subliminal message to many shoppers that they have not exhausted their budget and have more money to spend.

Group Products to Create a Meal

Use end-of-aisle kiosks or sections of an aisle to group products that create a recipe or meal. For example, put shortcake, strawberries and whipped topping together to encourage customers to buy all three. Place spaghetti, sauce, dressing, croutons, Parmesan cheese and Italian bread together to put the idea of a convenient meal into shoppers' heads.


  • Provide recipes on your website, in social media posts, and in-store so that customers are inspired to buy products and create meals with them.

Use Loss Leaders

Loss leaders are products that retailers sell at cost or less to bring customers in. If the price of milk spikes, sell it at your cost or a slight loss to get shoppers in who will fill their baskets with items that will more than make up for your loss. Use staples such as milk, bread and eggs as loss leaders on a regular, rotating basis to position your store as a bargain grocery.

Offer Free Samples

If you are selling a new product, offer free samples using displays near the items. Display a new cheese with a popular cracker, or chunks of your homemade bread with a vegetable dip.


  • Partner with name-brand suppliers to bring in new, trendy products for sampling. You might also co-sponsor a giveaway on the sample date. Let your customers know about the event in your marketing materials and via social media.


News 03-11-2019 22:10:18









